Monday, October 3, 2011

Credit check free online Helena

credit check free online Helena

Options theme by Justin Tadlock Checking Your Credit Score Won’t Hurt Your Credit Score If you can remember back to high school physics, you might remember a concept known as Schrödingers cat. While a full explanation makes it sound extremely complicated (check Wikipedia if youre really interested), the basic idea is that a subatomic particle can exist in a combination of possible states and the act of looking at it, that is bouncing photons (light) on it, will actually change the state that it was prior to you seeing it.

Anyway, the cat experiment, which is mostly just a thought/psychological thing and not something real, was a way for Schrödinger to explain what he meant when he supposed that the very act of looking at the cat changed whether it was dead or alive, since it had equal probability of being either. free credit reprt Now, how does this affect you and your credit score?

Well, one would surmise that, since a credit score is affected by inquiries, if you were to request credit check free online Helena your credit score (make an inquiry) you would affect credit check free online Helena your credit score, right? Fortunately for us, there are credit check free online Helena two types of inquiries known as hard pulls (or inquiries) and soft pulls (credit check free online Helena or inquiries). one a year free credit report Hard pulls are the ones that stay credit check free online Helena on your credit history and is seen by anyone who looks at it, thus hard pulls can have an adverse affect on your credit score. Soft pulls dont credit check free online Helena stay on your history as long and arent visible to everyone who looks at your credit history. Hard pulls can hurt credit check free online Helena your score, soft pulls will not. For the purposes of credit check free online Helena my friends question, which was the impetus for this article, checking your own credit score is a soft pull that is no one will ever see that you have done it so it wont hurt your score. all 3 free credit reports

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